Current Status at Bad Münstereifel Site
2 weeks have passed since the flooding situation at our headquarters in Bad Münstereifel. Especially during the first 7 - 10 days we were quite busy with tidying up and cleaning. The clean-up was not limited to the production site - it was also extended to the surrounding areas as some of our products and raw materials have been washed into the villages near by. After the first, rough cleaning work we were able to get a better picture of the condition of our whole site and the production lines. Even though we still have a lot of work ahead of us in the coming weeks and months, the damage in many areas is not as dramatic as assumed in first place.
Update on the current status at the site in Bad Münstereifel:
Availability at our headquarters
By e-mail we are available without any restrictions. By telephone our headquarters is currently only available via the number +49 (0) 2253 313 - 0. The colleagues with an additional mobile phone number can be reached as usual.
Planned restart of production
We are working hard to restart our production as soon as possible. Currently, we are assuming that we will be able to put the first production lines back into operation in August. As far as possible, further lines are expected to be started up again step by step during August and September. We therefore hope to be operational again with a large part of our production lines by the end of September. Unfortunately, we are not able to make any more precise statements right now. We will of course keep you informed about further progress!